Saturday, 5 April 2014

Visa Extension Day

   Hard to believe I've already been here 3 weeks....which means coming up to a month....which means the termination of my landing visa. In order to get a visa extension you have to go into the capital, Colombo, and on to the Sri Lankan Immigration and Emigration office. Lilly and I were up at 4:45 this morning, to get the 5:20 bus that pulls up right outside the estate, in order to catch the 6AM train from Rambukkana to Colombo. Apart from the struggle to get out of bed (with a newfound rat roommate roaming around), and the pitch black walk to the bus and train station, all went well and we were off to Colombo, comfortably seated and sleeping within 10 minutes of departure.

    We arrived in Colombo to be greeted by a plethora of Tuk Tuk drivers yelling 'I take you I take you,' 'where to go?' We had been told it is illegal in Colombo to not have a 'metered' Tuk Tuk and to only accept one with a meter. That turned out to be somewhat impossible when 5 Tuk Tuks all said their meters weren't working (common trend). After an offer to get to the immigration  office for 400 Rupees, which we turned down, we were eventually told 300 and we were on our way.
   WOW. And I thought the roads I had discovered thus far were frightening. Let's just say, as soon as we turned on to the first main road in the massive, bustling city of Colombo, I could be seen sitting in the back of a green Tuk Tuk, eyes closed, and clenching the 70-year-old pocket Buddha my Dad gave to me before I left that is said to bring good luck...which if anything, kept our driver quite amused. Naturally, thanks to 'Baldwin,' we made it to the office in one piece and without any questions asked,  were directed to go to the 3rd floor, under the assumption we were there for tourist visas.
   Before setting off on this adventure we had been told the whole process, once the office opened at 8:30, would take about 4-5 hours (mostly waiting). Fortunately, we were out of there within 2 hours! After seeing about 4 different people, being ushered to sit and wait or go to certain counters, watching most of the Ireland vs. Italy rugby match, and the start of the Sri Lanka vs. West Indies cricket match, we were granted our respective extensions and left. I am legally allowed to be here until May 16th now, but will stick with my departure of April 26th. By this point the office was packed with people. Where to next? We didn't know, but our little hearts desired food as neither of us had started the day with anything.
   We were met outside by, again, lots of helpful Tuk Tuks willing to take us where we wanted to go. Thanks to Lilly's handy dandy Sri Lanka Lonely Planet guide, we had decided on a restaurant within walking distance of the railway station. Our driver dropped us at the station, as where we were wanting to go meant crossing over a pedestrian bridge to a pedestrian-only road....or so we thought....until we were almost smoked by a bus. Just kidding! But seriously. 
   Anyways, on we walked, cautiously looking out for buses, cars, motor bikes and Tuk Tuks to sneak up on us, passing vendor after vendor trying to sell us watches, sunglasses, luggage, leather shoes, clothes, you name it. Based on the Lonely Planet description, we were looking for a restaurant located on the ground floor of an old flat iron building, with floor to ceiling windows. Well, we found it quite easily! Because it was covered in green protective covering and seemed to be in full reconstruction mode....including a ground floor that didn't seem to exist.Bust.
   Back to the guide, and we decided on the Pagoda Tea Room. Bit of a walk, but it ended up putting us back, closer to the station. After asking for the assistance of a couple helpful strangers, we found it! And it was perfect. Primarily used as a bakery, the restaurant was vast with nice furnishings, very friendly staff, lots of high ceiling fans and a menu that seemed to satisfy us both. At one point I spaced out a bit and felt as though I was sitting at a café in Paris. 2 waters, 3 iced coffees, 2 chicken rotty, a plate of veggie curry with rice, veggie mongolian rice, a rum ball and a Rainbow Roll dessert later plus a leisurely time spent AND a bathroom with toilet paper and soap (bit bonus), I walked out having only spent the equivelant of $4.50...Lilly, $4.00. Side note, this restaurant was the setting for Duran Duran's Hungry Like the Wolf video in the 80's
    Getting back to the station was a little different. We decided to walk, in order to discover a little more of Colombo on foot and we were in no rush. Walking was interesting. Firstly, in order to cross a road successfully,  you just have to be confident and step onto the road, and go. No one will stop for you otherwise. Secondly, we got quite lost....3 times. Had fun doing it though and probably saw more of the city than we otherwise would have! A number of temples, lots of Buddhas, some beautiful yet run down, old buildings, and a number of markets.
   As I write this, we are now sitting on platform 9 3/4...kidding...platform 8, watching the rain pour down, listening to some heavy thunder, watching the odd lightening bolt, waiting 2 hours for our next train back...Lilly peacefully sleeping to my right.

Colombo Conquered.

XOXO Nicky

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